What a year! 2019 was Tidal Influence’s best year yet. We could not have accomplished this all without your help and want to sincerely thank you for your commitment to wetlands restoration!
With your help we were able to accomplish the following:
We had a very exciting 2019 and look forward to a productive and fulfilling 2020. We wish you the same!
With your help we were able to accomplish the following:
- Hosted 1,370 volunteers for 46 community-based restoration events at Los Cerritos Wetlands, Colorado Lagoon, and Huntington Beach Wetlands
- Volunteers worked 5,963 hours across these sites providing over $100,000 worth of in-kind services to our non-profit partners
- Removed nearly 14,000 lbs. of nonnative plant material and over 3,000 lbs. of trash plant material
- Propagated over 2,500 native plants
- Installed 3,378 individual native plants
- Hosted 46 field trips, engaging nearly 2,000 local students and teachers
- Documented 724 endangered salt marsh bird’s beak (Chloropyron maritimum ssp. maritimum) plants that we outplanted throughout the Huntington Beach Wetlands
- Mapped occurrences of the salt marsh bird’s beak plants at 4 different salt marshes throughout southern California
- Uprooted 19,986 lbs. of invasive plant species Algerian sea lavender (Limonium ramosissimum) and European sea lavender (Limonium duriusculum) from across 76,101 sq. ft. of marsh habitat throughout Carpinteria Marsh, Upper Newport Back Bay, and the Huntington Beach Wetlands and eliminated an additional 15,333 sq. ft. of these invasive species through solarization
- Performed a wetland delineation for a future restoration project area within the Huntington Beach Wetlands
- Grew over 200,000 individuals of Southern Tarplant (Centromadia parryi ssp. australis) seedlings within a 1.7-acre restoration site in Los Cerritos Wetlands
- Conducted the 2nd consecutive year of water quality monitoring throughout Los Cerritos Wetlands in Zedler Marsh and the San Gabriel River
- Salvaged over 350 native plants from Point Dume State Park in Malibu, California
- Performed surveys for 5 different special status plant and animal species throughout southern California
- Conducted 30 surveys of the endangered Belding’s savannah sparrow (Passerculus sandwichensis beldingi) for the 3rd consecutive year, identifying over 50 nesting pairs throughout Los Cerritos Wetlands
- Performed the first year of surveys for the endangered Least Bell’s vireo (Vireo bellii pusillus) within Los Cerritos Wetlands
- Completed a Biological Resource Report for a 40-acre parcel of land in the foothills of the San Gabriel Mountains during which we documented 101 species of plant and 45 species of animal fauna
- Managed 176 acres of wetlands habitat
We had a very exciting 2019 and look forward to a productive and fulfilling 2020. We wish you the same!